The Regular
What you usually think of when you want a massage. High quality lotions and oils, hot towels, and the pressure you prefer. Simply book any session.
Myofascial Release Therapy
I use the John F. Barnes approach. This work is done with the client clothed in shorts. Women may wear a bra or tank top. No oil or lotion is used. Gentle and firm pressure alleviates restrictions in your body's myofascial network, alleviating many symptoms and discomfort.
Prenatal Massage
Side-lying with pillows, bolsters, and drapes to aid in comfort for expecting mothers.
Neuromuscular Massage
Targeted deep tissue work designed to lengthen shortened muscle groups to regain proper posture in function and alleviate nerve and blood vessel entrapment.
Lymphatic Massage
Gentle stretching work on the surface of the skin in specific patterns used to encourage greater flow and cleansing of the lymphatic system.
Touch For Health
Muscle testing is used to find areas of Chi restriction, and massage or bodywork techniques are used to facilitate greater flow.
Emotional Release
I practice multiple forms of emotional release therapies, all of which aid in a sense of well-being. I can aid your body and mind in processing emotions and/or expressing them. Releasing those trapped emotions allows for greater emotional freedom and allows your body to use it's vital energy to heal other areas.
Hot Stone Therapy
Warm basalt stones are lightly rubbed over oiled skin. The warmth aids in soothing tired, sore muscles, and the bio-electrical current from the stones helps balance energy and absorb errant energies.

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